
How to Build Trust with Social Media

August 1, 2022

Trust is hard to build in any relationship; it requires time and care. Now consider it on the scale of a business and its industry audience.

How can you distinguish yourself from your competitors, while creating authentic content for users to connect with?  The relationship you have with your followers is precisely that: a relationship. Find ways to foster it, whether it be through promotions, insider content, or company information.

What's the point of social media marketing?

It gives your brand a voice and builds trust within the community. Visibility is key.

Topics discussed in this article:

What does trust look like on social media?

Think about it this way: When you meet someone new, you’ll verify them via social media. Who are they? What do they do? What interests?

One of the key benefits of social media is the rapid speed at which you can learn information about other people. And you don’t even have to ask because their profiles will speak for themselves. That’s another thing about social media; every individual profile may represent a human being, but at the macro level, groups of these profiles become data for businesses to target their content to. Lovely.

What do you need to do to build that connection with your followers? It’s rooted in trust. You need to get them on your side. Give each follower a reason to come to your profile and follow you. Users need to see the value before following you on social media.

Perfection is unnecessary on social media

Don’t turn audiences off by trying to be too perfect. Find ways to showcase your brand through truthful content that exemplifies the quality of your product or service. Everyone says they’re the best; this is nothing new, nor does it change any perceptions of audiences.

Saying you’re the best doesn’t make people think you’re the best. All it does is tell people that you think you’re the best.

Teach your followers something new

Instructional videos are a massive trend across social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram. They allow everyday users to learn more about topics that they otherwise would not have access to. Not many people will want to go online and read journals about this content. They’d rather watch a six-second video about the pros and cons instead. That’s the beauty of content; it simplifies the process.

Highlight your core business values

Values play a significant role when it comes to connecting with other people. Think about how users are latching onto businesses–the values that play a role in the buying decision. In today’s age, values play a significant role in buying decisions. This is reason enough for you to highlight your mission more often. Try to do it in the most authentic manner possible–with action.

Showcase the so-called core values that you possess; don’t just list them out in a graphic. How exactly are you operating in an eco-friendly way? What makes you a vegan brand? How is your product or service benefiting the world?

Followers are never promised, so stay as relevant as you can

For the love of humanity, DO NOT buy social media followers. It may feel like a brilliant idea at the moment because it’s fast, and no one will look at your followers. However, in reality, platforms have algorithms to check out such behaviour and penalize you. It also looks incredibly suspect that you have 1k followers and ten likes. The ratio of followers to preferences is ginormous and a significant indicator of your wrongdoing.

Did you know that buying followers can negatively impact your social score? Your robot/purchased followers are not engaging with your content, and thus, the ratio between your following and engagement will be massively skewed. Try explaining that.

Keep calm and don’t exaggerate

We get it dude; your business is the top business in all the lands. You don’t have to keep saying you’re number one; it’ll get ancient fast.

Utilize social media stories to showcase the behind-the-scenes work that your business is involved with. Consumers love to see what the business actually looks like. Is it all a facade? Are the team members working remotely? What is this business really about?

Just communicate as you would in a normal conversation; sometimes, an exaggerated point of view works, but that’s only in the lighthearted, comical sense. Not to say that you cannot be serious on social media. If you want to exaggerate anything, whether it’s an essential global statistic or current event, utilize data to drive the fact home.

Trust the struggle–growth doesn’t come in a day

There’s no need to get upset about how long it’s taking to experience growth on social media; it’s a marathon bro.

Consistency is the big priority; it promises more returns and offers followers somewhat of a routine. Keeping a recurring posting schedule gives you the opportunity to create content at a levelled pace while having the flexibility of creating more content and optimizing your flow.

Allow your business to continue moving while you gain insight along the way. That’s the beauty of social media; in many cases, it’s free and offers valuable data on your online audience. With such insight, you can further create content and release it in a way that favours the existing users who are consuming it.

Keep your feed busy before launch

There’s no need to wait for your new website or project to complete before you add content to your feed. Supplement new product releases with evergreen content to underscore your brand; it keeps your audience on your toes rather than wondering why there are long gaps of missing content.

Your feed should be set up with at least ten to fifteen posts that you need to have content visible when you launch. For users that see your brand new website and only one social media post, it’s easy to surmise that they’re likely assuming your business is a fraud.

Go big with your vision

With the right branding, website, and advertising strategy, your business can reach new heights.

How can you distinguish yourself from your competitors, while creating authentic content for users to connect with?  The relationship you have with your followers is precisely that: a relationship. Find ways to foster it, whether it be through promotions, insider content, or company information.